This Professional Life

Content covering everything and anything when it comes to professionals and entrepreneurs looking to build their skills and expand their horizons. Created by a group of professionals and entrepreneurs passionate about teaching and sharing ideas with others. This podcast is part of a greater platform that we are building to help others seeking tangible advice, tips and tricks, as well as inspiration and motivation to meet their challenges head on.

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Sunday Jun 27, 2021

Have you ever been at a business networking event and everyone around you are throwing idioms and phrases around like it was proper English? In this episode, Nina and Chris talk about some of the popular idioms in the English language that you may want to know to make your next networking event less awkward. They also cover some of the new Zoom idioms that have taken hold during the global pandemic.

Sunday May 09, 2021

Basecamp CEO Jason Fried recently wrote a blog post outlining new company policies that appear to ban employees from holding “societal and political discussions" using their main internal Basecamp software. Jason Fried made it clear that he was not banning the discussions altogether, just not on the main communication platform that the company uses to manage their software development and other initiatives.  Was he wrong?

Sunday Apr 11, 2021

The Global Pandemic has wreaked havoc on not only life in general, but the job market as well. With employment just starting to rebound in some regions, what options are available for college graduates finishing school in 2021? In this podcast episode we talk about steps that new grads can take to increase their chances of finding employment after graduation.

Monday Mar 15, 2021

March 8, 2021 was International Women's Day and in celebration of this, Burger King decided to tweet out "women below in the kitchen". This of course was part of a marketing strategy to get everyone's attention about the lack of professional female chef's in the restaurant industry. Was this a fail or was a it a success? Could Burger King taken a different tactic but get the same message across? 

Sunday Mar 07, 2021

Since the onset of the global pandemic, anti-Asian racism and hate crimes against Asians has increased dramatically in many cities across the Western world.  While the pandemic has been tough for everyone around the world, whether it be economically or mentally, Asians have been front and center of blatant physical attacks as some individuals are looking to point the blame somewhere. 

Sunday Feb 28, 2021

Welcome to the first This Professional Life podcast episode. To kick off the new podcast and the new year, we wanted to talk about goal setting and how we can better prepare ourselves to hit our goals for the year. Except, we have a bit of a twist on this that we think you will find interesting and perhaps more effective than the traditional way of goal setting.

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